This update comes a bit later than we were hoping, but here are a few of the things we’ve been working on recently. We’ve got some great things coming in our next update, too!
Two-Factor Authentication
Aligni now supports optional Two-Factor Authentication (2FA) through use of the Google Authenticator smartphone app. By enabling 2FA for your account, a unique code is required in addition to your login credentials each time you login to Aligni.
Draft Revisions View
We’ve added Draft Revisions to the Engineering perspective of home screen so you now have a quick view of all draft parts as well as any draft revisions on existing released parts.
URL Parameters
With the new URL custom parameter type, you can now add links to datasheets, web pages, or even intranet (internal) document storage. Links can have an optional text override in addition to the URL.
Part Import and Bulk Part Update (beta)
The Part Import tool now has a fresh new look and some usability improvements. Additionally, the tool now supports importing custom parameters from the CSV source.
Sometimes it becomes necessary to make broad changes to the items in your part database. This may be required after adding new custom parameters or other large scale updates. The new Bulk Part Update tool is intended to make this process easier. Just upload a CSV file with the changes you’d like to make and configure the tool to process those changes. Aligni will match to your part numbers and update the requested information. You have the option of making changes “in place” or creating new revisions.
This tool is considered BETA. If you use it, we would appreciate any feedback.
Equipment (Configuration Management)
Thanks to a recent sponsored development project, we’re happy to announce the availability of Equipment (documentation coming soon!). With the Equipment component, you can track the lifecycle of products throughout their operational life.
Aligni already allows you to manage the product lifecycle from design, prototype, redesign, and production build. Now, you can manage the parts on these products after the build. Most commonly, this is used to manage parts, systems, and software of larger capital pieces of equipment such as aircraft or machine installations.
Approval Workflow (beta)
A new approval workflow is available to our Enterprise customers. It is currently supported for Purchasing and will be made available for ActiveQuote soon. It is also supported for the new Equipment / Configuration Management.
Miscellaneous Updates
We’ve made lots of other tweaks, adjustments, and improvements. Here’s an abbreviated list…
- Attachments table in the Purchase email to vendors
- API extensions to purchases
- New “by vendor” part search filter
- New “drafts” and “draft revisions” part search filters
- …lots of other stuff and bug fixes…
Service Pricing Update
As of June 2015, new Aligni customers pay a monthly base fee and a monthly per-user fee. We will soon begin a transition plan for legacy customers to this new pricing. Please review our pricing matrix to see how this will affect your organization. All service upgrades from today forward will be done to the new pricing matrix.
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