Integrated ECM Functionality That Connects Every Department

Aligni’s Engineering Change Management capabilities are designed for seamless collaboration and increasing efficiency within your team. Unlock the power of streamlined change management workflows and enhanced collaboration with Aligni.

A Complete, Integrated ECM System

Aligni provides a complete Engineering Change Management system within its software. It has all the tools needed to take the process from originating an ECR to converting it to an approved ECO and making the required changes in your product’s BOM and beyond. 

Being an inherently collaborative system that connects an organization’s departments, Aligni can route the approval workflows to each of the relevant stakeholders in the ECM process. These stakeholders are made aware of the actions needed through system alerts and email. Aligni also provides the ability to manage changes throughout their approval process through its Change Management Dashboard. Nothing gets lost or forgotten with misplaced paperwork, inboxes or hidden files when using Aligni ECM.

When developments happen in the ECM process, Aligni automatically updates connected files and alerts relevant members of the organization

Aligni adds greater value to the change process by storing each ECR and ECO for historical analysis. Since the entire ECM process is within Aligni, the software has a complete record of the change process. This change information – and the entire decision making process that led to the change – can be reviewed later. The information can be reviewed for similar projects or situations to reduce double work or repeats of costly errors and issues. 

Learn more about Aligni’s Engineering Change Management process
Aligni tracks the conversations and changes as they occur and retains them for later review

Easily Connect Change Management with Other Processes

The change management process does not happen in a vacuum. It forces change across the entire organization. Aligni’s ECM system provides the interconnections needed to guarantee those updates are telegraphed across the organization, including product engineering, purchasing and production. Each of these department’s processes are highly integrated within Aligni. That means when an Engineering Change Order is approved, the data that these departments rely on is automatically updated.

Aligni’s ECM functionality is a complete and integrated process that connects to all departments
Aligni is built on an item master database that streamlines data interconnectivity between functions and work groups within an organization.

This integration is possible because the data these groups use is centralized within Aligni’s item Master Database, instead of being distributed and replicated across different systems or files. Instead, when changes are made to a product in Aligni, those changes are immediately reflected in its BOM, as the ECM process is connected to BOMs and inventory data. No more updating different files or notifying other departments. 

Inside Aligni, the ECM process also directly informs purchasing operations. Using Aligni ECM means changes to a production build’s needs and its BOM are made to the same database used by purchasing. This helps make sure the right parts are ordered and outdated materials are reduced or eliminated, as the data used by buyers is automatically updated when the engineering change is approved.

Learn more about Aligni’s Engineering Change Management capabilities and its Item Master Database.
When changes are made to a part, these are immediately reflected in the associated BOMS and inventory.

An ECM Built for Collaboration

Aligni is built to be the hub for effectively managing change. It centralizes not only the ECM process but connects key players and captures the deliberations of the change process. Aligni maximizes accessibility for groups in the company that are instrumental to the process with interfaces built for each department’s workflows. Aligni provides purpose-built dashboards for each department that increases their effectiveness for their own tasks as well as using the system itself. These displays also reduce the hurdles to adoption within the organization.

When changes happen through the ECM process, they are immediately updated across the Aligni application.

Aligni is built to be the hub for effectively managing change. It centralizes not only the ECM process but connects key players and captures the deliberations of the change process. Aligni maximizes accessibility for groups in the company that are instrumental to the process with interfaces built for each department’s workflows. Aligni provides purpose-built dashboards for each department that increases their effectiveness for their own tasks as well as using the system itself. These displays also reduce the hurdles to adoption within the organization.

When everyone is connected and interacting with the same data set, they’re working with the most up-to-date information in the company. That means changes and updates are apt to be integrated into the system in a timely fashion, instead of searching through unconnected files or waiting for update meetings. 

Aligni PLM becomes the central product information hub between product development, Material requirements planning, inventory, quotes, purchasing and other manufacturing departments
Aligni connects departments across the organization with centralized processes and data
Aligni’s ECM process sends alerts to relevant members within the organization as events occur

Sometimes changes are so important that stakeholders need to be made aware of the new conditions. Aligni’s alerts and updates are available to notify people within the organization of where change requests and orders are within the process. The alerts help speed along the process and make sure everyone is notified of important updates instead of calling huddles or making sure emails were sent to the right people.

The ECM process is as much about decision-making and the considerations that go into them as it is about quantitative data. Aligni’s DiscussAnywhere functionality provides organizations the ability to capture those conversations. Our software’s collaborative capabilities allows the entire company to weigh in on the changes in one place rather than through in person conversations, meetings, or emails. This ability helps speed discourse on the proposed changes as well as make it easy to understand why the changes and the decisions were made later on.

Learn more about Aligni’s ECM process
Aligni’s DiscussAnywhere comment and status system provides organization-wide ability to collaborate on every aspect of the product development, production and sourcing process.

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