What Is a build?

Within Aligni, we use the term ‘build’ quite often, but what does that actually mean? Put simply, a build is a single, contiguous production run of a product. A build is just one distinct portion of the entire production amount of a specific product. Builds may also be called batches or production series. These terms are common to batch production processes used in discrete manufacturing.

A build is also a separate planned event on the manufacturing calendar. There can be several builds of one type of product over the course of the production year. Each one is considered a separate production event with its own bill of materials requirements. As such, it has its own quantities of parts required to complete the run and production oversight.

Breaking total production into separate builds or batches is common in high mix, low volume manufacturing operations. These divisions can be created from the mix of product types ordered or ordered quantities, material and process availability, or driven by subtle differences in product styles. 

Comparing Bills of Materials (BOM)s for upcoming build in Aligni MRP

Managing batched production can be much more difficult than continuous production operations, especially when it comes to production readiness. Both changeover time efficiency and making sure materials are ready for production play a large part in making sure the firm meets its throughput and cost efficiency goals.  Many firms rely on PLM or MRP software to more effectively manage inventory availability for each of the builds on the production calendar. 

Both PLM and MRP software provide manufacturers with the ability to independently manage the inventory demands of each production build. This flexibility afforded by the software systems helps ensure that the right amount of attention is given to each separate build within the production schedule – almost a necessity for firms that manage a large number of discrete production builds over the course of the production year.

Running a high mix, low volume batch production environment can be extremely challenging, especially for small and medium size businesses. Reduce the complexity by signing up online for Aligni today and streamline your parts and materials management.

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